1985 - G1 - Autobots: Dinobots, Deluxes, Jetfire, Cars, Others, Omega Supreme Main Menu
Name Description Last Updated

The Dinobots

Swords, Guns & Missile Launchers. 06-26-2020

Autobot Deluxes

Whirl & Roadbuster. 06-26-2020


Armor, Gun & Mounting Pod. 06-26-2020

Autobot Cars

Skids, Tracks, Red Alert & Smokescreen. 06-26-2020

Autobot Cars

Hoist, Inferno & Grapple. 06-26-2020

Other Autobot

Perceptor, Blaster & the Jumpstarters. 06-26-2020

Omega Supreme

Everything except the tank. 06-26-2020